Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 3rd

September 3rd

        Today was my first day of classes and thus my first day of Instructional Tech, it was a long day.  My day started at 6 am and I have been going nonstop since than, so needless to say I was tired walking it.  Though I have had other 6 to 10 classes before, each one is different and I wondered how long we would really be staying.  Learning that it was until 9:45 was a little exhausting, but hey it is what I signed up for.  However, when walking in I was pleasantly surprised to see some friends in the class when we started.  It is always nice to see some familiar faces.

      I am proud that I was able to understand and create my webpage and blog.  It was comically frustrating when it took over 20 minutes to log in to my computer though.  However I always joke that technology hates me and I am technologically challenged, so it was just my luck (Irish or not). Thank goodness for Tom, our handy and amazing tech guy!  He was able to help everyone in the class to reboot and log into their computers so we could start our class.
      Once we got the ball rolling we were able to go over quite a bit of information as well as overview the entire course and what is expected of us.  Besides being a full 4 hour class I am excited to learn new things and to see if i can overcome some of technological incompetence and enhance my potential teaching abilities.  I am probably most excited to learn about Gamification, however everything will be exciting a new to me.

 Until next time!



  1. Nikki your blog is super cute. Good luck dealing with all this technology.

  2. I agree that a 6-10 pm class is difficult, especially after a long day. However, I do think that we are going to learn a great deal from this class. We have very different majors, but the things that we will learn from Instructional Technology will benefit both of our future classrooms.

    By the way, I like the setup of your website. It is nature themed, and very well put together. Nice! :)

  3. 6-10 is tough especially after a full work day. I'm glad we are kept busy during the class so I don't get too tired!

  4. AGREED! A four hour class is never a fun time unless the professor is lively and keeps the ball rolling, which ours seems to do thank goodness. I am also intrigued about Gamification and excited to learn more about it and what we will be doing.

  5. I couldn't agree with you more on how a four hour class is long and tiring especially after a long day. All of my classes this semester are from 6 to 10 and I am hoping I don't crash! Anyways, I feel that we have learned a whole lot in the first class and once we all started feeling comfortable with the computers we accomplished a lot!

  6. You have a cute blog design and I love the sunflowers on your website. Yes, you signed up for a long class but you are going to learn so much in this class. Don't focus on the time - focus on the learning.
