Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 15th

Communication and Collaboration

               We can focus on two things that concern communication and collaboration, success in the classroom and success in the real world.

               In the classroom students will have at least one major group project per class within the year.  Students need to learn how to find the strengths and weaknesses of each person in the group and work with that.  If one student is a wonderful writer, another amazingly creative, and another a great public speaker (or at least not afraid to present to the class) then the duties should be divided accordingly to each individual.  Though that is an ideal situation and does not always happen, students must still learn to take everyone's thoughts and perspectives into consideration when coming up with group projects.  Students will than collaborate to create the best possible project that they can think of.  This same skill will be needed as an adult as people come together to solve any type of problem; the best way to move furniture in and out of a house, how to help little Susie with her IEP and schooling, a new idea and presentation to the boss for a possible promotion, among others.

              Similarly, students will need to learn to communicate with each other and the teacher in order to make sure 1. that everyone is on the same page and 2. that all ideas are heard and understood before a decision is made.  Students will have to communicate to set up study times with one another and to eventually be able to speak in front of the class.  If a student is confused they need to properly communicate the confusion to the teacher so it can be resolved.  What can anyone really learn if no one is communicating?  Nothing would ever be achieved and no one would ever be on the same page if people did not know how to properly communicate.  This is the same regardless of if you are in or out of school and the education system.  Many problems would dissolve if only for proper communication.  If that can be learned in the school than it can be applied to everything the concerns other people for the rest of the students lives.

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